Tag Archives: Skeleton Bay

Just marinating.

16 Aug

hi·ber·nat·e: a severe case of marination.

We’re not hibernating! We have just been too busy to write. MR&MRS FAY moved overseas, MR&MRS SDS updated their status in Hawaii and SN hit a sales record at work. This does makes me wonder what I have been ‘marinating’ in during this time. It also makes me feel like dad’s marinated bbq squid! (:

One thing that I did make time for this year was to head up north and tick off something that I’ve always wanted to do – to swim with the Whale Sharks. For a while now I’ve had a small obsession with whales and the Whale Shark in particular (Note: I do know that the Whale Shark is not a whale). So at the beginning of the year, to help me get through the post-Christmas blues, CB and I planned a road trip to Shark Bay, Coral Bay & Exmouth in June. To confess, this was a purely selfish expedition but CB took it as an opportunity to escape ‘winter’ in WA. I’ve only picked a few pictures for this post.

So we (CB) loaded up the x-trail with an array of camping gear, supplies and the kayaks and headed up to our first stop, Shark Bay (820km). We managed to visit Hamelin’s Pool and Shell Beach and squeeze in some 4WDriving before sunset.


The next day we drove another 300km or so to Coral Bay. This place is so peaceful and beautiful it is hard to describe. Lets just say that the grey normads are onto something!

Just around the main Bay at sunset. If we had more time I’d love to have kayaked further up here. There’s a place called Skeleton Bay further north that is apparently a great snorkeling spot. Just got to watch out for the Reef Sharks.

In the main Bay. Although the water can get a bit murky, you can still see the fish swimming around you. The tide comes right up in the mornings but you’d hardly know if you came here during the day.

cb attack


CB and I decided to make use of our limited time and go on a snorkelling tour. It was the best! The guide takes you out on a glass-floor boat right out in the Reef. Here we got to swim with the many friends of the Ningaloo Reef, including sea turtles and crazy pecking fish. The coral was quite the sight too. One tip: the tour is long, wear a rashie or wet suit.

And then there was Exmouth! This place is stunning – a beautiful combination of rugged red landscape and long streteches of pristine beach! I couldn’t get a picture that said it all. I only wish we had more time to explore the National Park.

Mucking around with the GoPro on Turquoise Bay.

And then there were the WHALE SHARKS! Yes! Get excited! We went with the 3 Islands Whale Shark Dive crew and I would strongly recommend their services to you (they’re not #1 on Trip Advisor for no reason). The experience was more than I could ever imagine! These animals are magnificent. We were uber lucky and swam with SIX whale sharks. There was even one dive where two sharks crossed path and we swam with both of them. And if you get sick of looking at the sharks (as if!), you can stop to check out the micro-organisms swimming around your face (: The experience really brought me back into perspective and reminded me of how beautiful nature is.


Say ‘Whale Burger!’.

I better get back to work. I probably didn’t do any of these places justice with my limited photo collection but I’m happy to answer any questions if you have any.

Have a great weekend!